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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Steamed Jam Pudding

Steamed Jam Pudding

¼ lb. stale bread
2 oz. sugar
1 oz. butter
3 eggs
1 teacup milk
Vanilla flavouring
2 tablespoonfuls jam

Break the bread in small pieces and put into a basin, pour the milk boiling hot over it and let it soak for a few minutes. Beat the butter and sugar together, then add the eggs and flavouring, beat will and mix together with the bread. Grease a pudding mould, put the jam add the bottom, pour the mixture over it and steam for about 1 hour. Turn out and serve hot.

Golden Pudding

Golden Pudding

¼ lb flour
¼ lb stale bread
¼ lb suet
2 oz. sugar
3 eggs
2 tablespoons of golden syrup
½ teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt

Grate the bread and mix together with the flour, suet , sugar baking powder and salt, beat the eggs, add the golden syrup to it and mix with the dry ingredients. Pour the mixture into a well-greased mould, cover with greased paper and steam from 2 ½ to 3 hours. Serve with golden syrup.

Fig Pudding

Fig Pudding

Stewed figs
2 oz. butter
2 oz. flour
2 oz. soft sugar
3 eggs
a pinch of salt
¼ teaspoon baking powder

Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, and lastly the flour with baking powder mixed into. Butter a shallow piedish and put some stewed figs add the bottom. Pour the batter on the top and bake in a moderate oven for about half and hour or until nicely browned and well risen. Sprinkle with sugar with serve hot.

Cup Pudding

Cup Pudding

2 oz. butter
2 oz. flour
¼ teaspoon baking powder
2 oz. soft sugar
3 eggs
Apricot jam

Beat the butter to a cream, add the sugar and then the flour and eggs by degrees, and keep beating the mixture until light and frothy. Flavour to taste with chopped lime-rind. Butter some small cups or tins, half fill them with the mixture and bake in a moderate oven until nicely browned and firm to the touch. Turn out and serve with a little apricot jam on the top of each, and custard sauce.

Coconut Bread Pudding

Coconut Bread Pudding

¼ lb. stale bread
2 oz. grated coconut
¼ lb. sugar
1 breakfast cup milk
Vanilla flavouring

Break the bread in small pieces and put it into a basin. Boil the milk and pour it over the bread and allow to soak for half an hour. Then beat it up with a fork, add the coconut, and yolks of eggs, sugar. And flavouring beaten together. Lastly, stir in the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, pour into a greased pie-dish and bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes or until nicely browned. Turn out of the dish, sprinkle over with sugar and serve.

Coconut Bread Pudding

Coconut Bread Pudding

¼ lb. stale bread
2 oz. grated coconut
¼ lb. sugar
1 breakfast cup milk
Vanilla flavouring

Break the bread in small pieces and put it into a basin. Boil the milk and pour it over the bread and allow to soak for half an hour. Then beat it up with a fork, add the coconut, and yolks of eggs, sugar. And flavouring beaten together. Lastly, stir in the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, pour into a greased pie-dish and bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes or until nicely browned. Turn out of the dish, sprinkle over with sugar and serve.

Chocolate Ginger Cookies

Chocolate Ginger Cookies

11 oz/23/4 cups all-purpose flour

11 oz ¼ cup cocoa powder

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 teaspoon ground mixed spice (apple pie spice)

1 teaspoon baking soda

4 oz ½ cup unsalted butter

6 oz ¾ cup superfine sugar

4 teaspoons light corn syrup

1 egg

1 oz / 1 square dark chocolate

Grease to baking sheets lightly sift the flour , cocoa powder , ginger , mixed spice , and baking soda into a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and rub into the flour mixture with your fingertips.

Add the sugar , syrup , and egg , and mix to a firm dough. Knead lightly until smooth. Roll out half the mixture on a lightly floured work surface and cut out shapes, using gingerbread cutters. Transfer them to the prepared baking sheets and bake in a preheated oven at 3750 F for about 15 minutes until slightly risen. Leave on the baking sheets for 5 minutes before carefully transferring to a wire sheets for minutes before carefully transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Roll out the remaining mixture and bake in the same way.

To decorate the cookies , break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Using a fine paintbrush , paint decorative features such as buttons and faces on to the cookies. Leave to set.

Bread and Chocolate Pudding

Bread and Chocolate Pudding

6 oz. stale bread
2 or 3 oz. chocolate
¼ lb sugar
1 pint milk
3 eggs
Vanilla flavouring

Grate the chocolate and dissolve it with the milk. Bring the milk to the boil and pour it over the bread broken in small pieces, and allow to soak for about half an hour. Then beat up with a fork, adding the sugar, yolks of eggs and the flavouring. Lastly, mixt in the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the mixture in to a greased pie-dish and bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes, or until set and nicely browned.

Cocoa may be used instead of chocolate in which case more sugar will be necessary.

Bread and Cheese Pudding

Bread and Cheese Pudding

Slices of bread and dutter
a breakfast cup of milk
2 or 3 eggs
Sugar to taste
2 oz. grated cheese
a grate of nutmeg, if liked

Make in the same way as “Bread and Butter Pudding”, sprinkling the cheese between the flices of bread and butter.

Bread and Butter Pudding

Bread and Butter Pudding

Slices of bread and butter
Sugar to taste
2 oz. sultanas
1 pint milk
2 or 3 eggs
Vanilla or almond flavouring

Butter a pie-dish, put in a layer of thin bread and butter, sprinkle it with sugar and sultanas, then another layer of bread and butter, sugar and sultanas and so on until the dish is about half full. Best up the eggs, add the milk , a little sugar or flavouring, mix well together and pour over the bread in the pie-dish. Allow the pudding to stand for about one hour until the bread is thoroughly soaked, press down the top slices so that they may get soked too. Put in to a moderate oven and bake for about 40 minutes or until nicely browned.

Boiled Batter Pudding

Boiled Batter Pudding

3 oz. flour
2 oz. sugar
1 oz. butter
1 pint milk
3 eggs
½ teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt

beat the butter and sugar to a cream, mix the baking powder with the flour, add them gradually, and the eggs with out beating then. Then add the milk by degrees, and the salt, and beat well until the batter is full of air bubbles. Pour into a buttered basin, tie a floured and scalded cloth over the top and plunge the pudding into a saucepan of fast-boiling. Water. Move the basin about for a few minutes to prevent the flour settling in any part. When done, turn it out of the basin and serve with wine or any sweet sauce. It must boil for 1 ¼ hours.

This pudding may be steamed instead of boiled.

Baked Custard Pudding

Baked Custard Pudding

4 or 5 eggs
Flavoring to taste
¾ Pint milk
1 tablespoonful sugar
a pinch of salt

Beat the eggs and sugar together, add the salt, and flavor with nutmeg, chopped lime-rind , or any flavoring which may be preferred. Heat the milk and pour it slowly on the egg mixture, stirring all the time pour in to a buttered pie-dish and bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes or until the custard sets and becomes a light brown color.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chocolate Layer Cake

Chocolate Layer Cake

Cake: 4 oz/4 squares milk chocolate
8 oz/1 cup soft margarine
8 oz/1 cup superfine sugar
4 eggs
7 oz/1 ¾ cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon milk
To decorate: ¼ pint/ 2/3 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons confectioners’ sugar
Extra confectioners’ sugar for dusting

Grease and lime two 8 Inch layer pans. Chop the chocolate roughly.
Place the margarine, sugar, and eggs in a bowl. Sift the flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder into the bowl, and beat with an electric beater until creamy and paler in color. Beat in the milk and chopped chocolate.
Divide the mixture between the prepared pans and level the surfaces. Bake in a preheated oven at 3250 f for 25-30 minutes until well risen and just firm to touch. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
To decorate the cake, beat the cream lightly with the confectioners’ sugar and use this to sandwich the cakes together. serve dusted with confectioners’ sugar.
Mascarpone, a very mild, creamy low-fat cheese can be substituted for the cream in the filling. If liked, stir in some chopped walnuts or hazelnuts

Baked Chocolate Pudding

Baked Chocolate Pudding

2 tablespoonfuls cornflour
4 oz. grated chocolate
3 tablespoonfuls sugar
1pint milk
3 eggs
Vanilla flavouring

Mix the cornflor to a smooth paste with a little of the milk. Put the remainder of the milk into a saucepan and bring to boiling point. Remove the saucepan from the fire and pour the mixed cornflour into it, stirring vigorously. Return the saucepan to the fire and let it boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Then add the chocolate and sugar and stir until it is perfectly smooth. Let the mixture cool a little, then stir in the eggs well beaten and the flavouring. Pour into a greased pie-dish and bake in a moderate oven for about half an hour. Turn out and serve with Raspberry or Custard Sauce.