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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Clear Jelly

1 oz. leaf gelatine
¾ pint cold water
¼ pint lime juice
3 oz. sugar
1 inch piece cinnamon
2 cloves
Rind of 1 lime
Whites and shells of 2 eggs

Put into a saucepan the water, gelatine, sugar, lime juice and rind, the cinnamon, cloves, the egg shells which should be washed and crushed, and whites of the eggs lightly beaten. The pan should not be more than half full or the jelly will boil over. Whisk over the fire until it just begins to boil and not longer. Then let it boil up as high as it will without boiling over. Lessen the fire and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the fire , allow it to stand for 10 minutes, then strain through a scalded jell bag or cloth. The jelly will not be clear the first time, so strain it 2 or 3 times until it runs through perfectly clear. Then mould and use as required.

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